INFO 【9/18~適用】オートチャージ・アイテムチケットの💎付与数追加について EVENT クレカなくてもメンシプ入会可能!今なら500円キャッシュバック✨バンドルカード EVENT 映画▶アーカイブ公開中👻🎬オキュラス/怨霊鏡



This diner was incredibly delicious. I'm honestly doing a food tour over here. On the weekends, I'll try and go sight seeing. The weather is better in Japan than it is in Chicago where it is freezing. Japan is warmer by far.

I feel like I'm in a pretty okay headspace. I got some sketching done and I am gearing up for the Lunar New Year with a new model for myself for fun. I am not sure how good my pocket Wi-Fi is. Maybe I'll do a few test streams to see how it handle streaming.

I went to bed early by accident and now I woke up early, too😂 oh well. Sleep has been alright. A few episodes of narcolepsy but manageable.

Have a good day💜
